Curry has a very interesting history through which it evolved into present states.

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The present type of curry was invented around 2500 BC in United India, today's Pakistan.

Now the question is how curry was invented? How did they know what to mix?

The curry was not like the one we eat today, the process of adding oil, chili spices, garlic, onion and ginger etc. in the right amount evolved over time.

For example, in the beginning, someone thought that instead of roasting the meat on the fire, they should put the same pot on the fire in which the meat was kept, so when the pot was kept on the fire, the fat in the meat melted due to the heat of the fire. In this Meat was cooked in Fat and obviously gave a unique and delicious taste, then onward this method was kept continued for cooking meat.

 Then someone experimentally added salt and pepper to the meat, so it was cooked more deliciously and thus various spices and other ingredients were added.

And then, apart from meat, vegetables, pulses, fish, eggs and other edible items were also cooked in the same way.

This process took 4 thousand years and today we have millions of varieties of curries.