Pakistan's Federal Cabinet has approved troop deployment for the mega football event ahead of Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif’s visit to Qatar. 

Photo credit © twitter/FIFAmuseum

Pakistan will provide its troops for the security of the FIFA World Cup 2022 scheduled to be held in November in Qatar. 

The Federal Cabinet of coalition government approved the draft of an agreement between Pakistan and Qatar for the provision of army troops for the mega football event, reported by PM Office.

The development came ahead of Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif’s visit to Qatar. 

He visited ‘Stadium 974’ in Doha on Wednesday, where Qatari officials briefed him on the preparations for the upcoming event.

The experts are calling the services of Pakistan's armed forces for the security of the football world cup to be held in November and December this year in Qatar as an expression of full confidence in Pakistan's forces.

Pakistan's decision to provide forces for the FIFA World Cup is being seen as an unusual decision and it is also being seen with a military significance in the context of the situation in the region. Observers say that Qatar's choice of Pakistan's military reflects its military expertise as well as Doha's fraternal ties with Islamabad.

Former Pakistan Army officer General Retired Talat Masood says that it is a great honor that Qatar has shown confidence in the Pakistan Army for the security of the world competition.

In start of 2022 news were circulating in Pakistani social media that India will be assisting Qatar in FIFA world cup security, but the latest development surprised the people. Reportedly Special service group or SSG contingents will take charge of security responsibilities in Qatar.