If you’re just starting out freelancing on Fiverr, you may be thinking how to get your very first order on Fiverr. If you don’t have any reviews from clients yet, it can be hard to get someone to trust you enough to give you their money right away without first seeing some kind of proof that you can deliver the best. That's why we decided to publish this guide on how to get your first order on Fiverr. Here are five ways to get your first order on Fiverr, or other freelancing sites so that you can build up your name and start getting more orders in the future!
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1) Tell about your Gig in Detail:
This could be done in following ways
1) Mention all the details of what they will receive in the description of gig: Make sure to list everything in detail, including delivery time and any extra service or discounts that might come with the purchase/order.
2) Offer freebies with orders over a fixed amount: It's a good idea to offer freebies with orders over a certain amount or limit. Practicing this could encourage potential customers to buy more than one item since they know they'll get something extra for freee as a reward.
3) Display quality content: The quality of your work is important not only for clients satisfaction but also so it doesn't hurt your ranking on Fiverr. Manufecturing quality content shows potential clients that you know what you're doing and can meet their needs and criteria.
4) Be transparent about payment methods: When posting jobs online it's important to be clear about payment options so there aren't any surprises later ofter the project.
5) It's always better idea to show some past examples of similar projects completed before accepting a project. That way, customer know exactly what they're getting before ordering.
2) Display a portfolio
When you sign up for Fiverr, you’ll create a profile that includes a portion for your portfolio. Make sure to represent your best work here, as this is what buyers will look at when deciding whether or not to hire you. You can also include a referral link to your website or blog so that buyers can see more of your work and become more confident.
It takes time and energy to build up a solid portfolio, so even if you're currently working on completing your very first order on Fiverr, keep putting in quality time. Showing prospective clients, the value of your skills will not only make them excited about hiring you for future project but also encourage them to tell others about how great you are. so basically you have to make or gather your costumers initially.
3) Use SEO techniques and skills
You can use SEO techniques to get your first order on Fiverr.
1) Use suitable keywords in your gig title and description.
2) Optimize your gig images and make them simple and attractive.
3) Use relevant tags, so that your gig get placed on first page.
4) Send buyer requests everyday.
5) Run a social media marketing campaig, advertise your services on different plateforms.
6) Give buyers a discount and be flexible.
7) Provide good customer service, make your communication better.
8) Take the time to create an eye-cathing video for every gig.
9) Create more than one gig so that potential clients can find something they want from you.
10) Continue to add variety of gigs with different prices, tags, keywords, features or services and delivery times.
4) Ask for it
The best way to get your first order is simply to ask for it. Let your friends, family, and social media followers know that you’re offering services on Fiverr. Use your full force in promoting your gig, by sharin links to friends, relatives etc. ONCE YOU started getting orders then permanent clients will be made, but before that you have to strive for different things.
A fine way to get more impressions and clicks on your gig is to share gig links at different plateforms and social media groups. This practice will rank your gig to be easily displayed at the top of search results.
5) Do something extra and special
1. Your gig discreption should be clear, concise, and informative.
2. Offer a unique service that can’t be found somewhere else.
3. Use attractive visuals in your gig gallery to portray your work.
4. Set affordable and competitive price for your services.
5. Use keywords in your gig title and tags to ensure its appearance in relevant searches.
6. Request feedback and review from buyers after each order is complete.
7. Offer discounts or extras to new buyers.
8. Respond quickly, professional and politely to messages within minimum time.
9. Give out free samples if you send custom orders.
6) Be online
The most important factor that helps in getting first order on fiverr is to make sure your availibilty. You have to spend most of time on web in waiting. This will increase the chances to find order because custumer needs an active seller, he cant wait for someone, he wants his work to be complteted in minimum time so he should give order to online one.